
Father-Daughter Time

Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 2:35am by Gideon Asher

Mission: Daemoniacus Tribulatio
Location: Gideon's Townhouse
Timeline: Current

After returning to his townhouse with Andy and the two humans, he showed Andy to her room, which had an ensuite bath, got her a robe and towels, and let her get cleaned up. He arranged for the humans to get back to their homes after thanking them. He took another bottle of Type O out of the refrigerator and set it to warm. It was one he’d acquired this evening and it was fresh. Andy might need a top off and it wouldn’t go to waste if she didn’t. As an elder, he might not need to feed as often younger vampires, but his maturity also meant he was capable of drinking young vampires under the table.

By the time Andy was done, one of his female Blood Rangers would have returned with something for her to sleep in and a few days of clothes and other necessities, giving Andy the opportunity to stay an extra day or two if she liked. The supernatural community was full of gossipping little pricks. If Andy went home right away, vampires, witches, and every manner of shapeshifter that called Nashville home would know she was back and some would want to talk with her. Even one of his rangers stealthing into Andy’s shop and home might be detected. So Gideon told his rangers their surrogates to let it be known that Andy Carter was vampire business and therefore the business of Gideon ben Asher ibn Zechariah, Elder Vampire and Blood Ranger Havildar-Major and she was off-limits until further notice. That would do it, except for the truly stupid and they deserved what they got. He would, of course, leave the decision of when she felt ready to see people up to her, but this would give her space to make that decision.

Gideon rekindled the fire in the fireplace, poured himself a glass of the now warm blood, and sat himself comfortably on the couch.

“Elvira,” he called out to the digital personal assistant that ran many of the electronics in his home. “From Spotify, play the US Navy Commodores and follow it with the US Air Force Airmen of Note.” Both were jazz bands and quite good. Andy might want something else, but until she came out…

“Playing the US Navy Commodores and the US Air Force Airmen of Note from Spotify.” Elvira responded. The list started with ‘Don’t Get Around Much Anymore’, a song originally performed by the band The Ink Spots. Gideon had first heard the song when it came out in 1943, during World War II.

“I knew you were old, but I didn’t know you would be classy as fuck, Dad,” came Andy’s voice at the conclusion of the song. She was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame as she studied Gideon. She was still somewhat guarded, her arms crossed over her chest and hiding her hands within the voluminous gray cardigan she wore. Though weary beyond measure, her eyes looked bright and clear, her cheeks once again sported a rosy flush, her unruly hair had been washed and combed to form a halo of ringlets despite being still quite damp, and her mouth opened slightly as though full of unasked questions. With a heavy sigh, she closed her mouth and averted her gaze; she shouldn’t read too much into things…

“Thank you for the compliment,” Gideon said and chuckled. He turned the music down. “Come,” he said. “Sit with me and ask your questions. I can feel your mind spinning from here.”

With a meek smile, Andy padded into the living room, her soft socks allowing her to pass through silently. She took up residence in one of the comfortable looking armchairs, gathering her legs to her chest and hugging them close.

“Daughter?” she asked simply. Despite the snark of her earlier comment, the establishment of this new relationship meant a great deal to her considering the rejection she faced when she had first been turned.

Gideon nodded and looked thoughtful for a moment. “Your siring was,” Gideon said. “To put it mildly, a horrifying experience. You have no one to teach you how to be a vampire, no one to guide you, no one to turn to who is there just for you and their other get. You drank from me when nearly devoid of blood. It would not be inappropriate for this to serve as a “re-siring”, if you wish it to be. You should know that the relationship between a sire and their get is complex and intimate. I would be obligated to look out for you, teach you, be there for you. You would have similar obligations to me. If you summon me for help, I’ll be there. In return, if I summon you, you have a reciprocal obligation. In the old days, this would, technically, mean you’d owe me absolute loyalty and obedience, and even back then those rules weren’t always followed. In the more modern sense, we owe each other loyalty and respect. I will give those to you, and expect the same in return. The manner of your siring was not your fault and is not your shame. However, as you have experienced, not everyone sees things my way. So, should you accept this arrangement, you go from being the get of an unknown feral vampire who eats as many rats and other vermin as people, to being the adopted get of a respected, and in some circles feared, elder vampire. The choice remains yours, however.”

Andy nodded along in understanding as he spoke, though when he spoke of fault and shame the way it was viewed, she snorted and muttered “Sanctimonious pricks,” with a roll of her eyes, but otherwise continued listening, carefully considering the offer he made as she nibbled on her lip.
“Well, I have no problem with the loyalty part, but I’ve been informed that I’m not really the ‘obedient daughter’ sort. Although my mum was a bit of a perfectionist bitch, her opinion was likely horribly skewed,” she cautioned. “But if you really want me, screw ups and all, then yes, I want this.”

Gideon nodded again. “Blind obedience is a thing of the past, Daughter,” he said. “If there ever was such a thing. Loyalty is more important. So, we are in accord, and thus, I will give you your first instruction. Mind kissing humans you’ve drained with a bloody mouth, like you did with the boy. If you get your blood in your prey’s mouth and they swallow enough of it, they might turn, or, worse, partially turn.” He raised a hand before Andy could reply. “He’s fine. He didn’t get enough. But you do have to be careful. A little gives them a major rush if you haven’t fed on them yet, but if you or someone else just fed on them, they could be turned. Siring is not for the young. The get from such sirings rarely come out right.”

“Yeah, I’d figured as much, but I was just so lost in the moment, I wasn’t thinking,” Andy admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head nervously. “I’ll be more careful in the future. I’ll also be careful about kissing demon-possessed damsels that tempt me with forbidden knowledge. I-” she paused and looked away. “It wasn’t my intention to betray you and the team that night, but… The moment I felt her and the power radiating off of her, I knew the circle I designed wouldn’t work and I didn’t want anything to happen to the team. I saw an opportunity to get her out of there without anyone getting seriously hurt, I had to take it.”

“You did what you thought best,” Gideon said. “And your self-sacrifice was appreciated. As you yourself experienced, however, power and forbidden knowledge are addictive. So, yes. Try to avoid playing tonsil hockey with ‘demon-possessed damsels’ in the future.I was… concerned for you, which you can interpret as frightened, and I find being frightened disagreeable,” Gideon gestured at the bottle of blood and the glass. “You should drink a bit more tonight, just to be sure you’re sated.”

Andy nodded and leaned forward to pour herself a glass, then relaxed back into her chair, tucking her feet underneath her in a more relaxed posture. “The, uh, ‘self-sacrifice’ wasn’t completely altruistic either,” she said hesitantly after taking a sip; the blood seemed to be more palatable from a glass now that she had allowed herself to feed from a living source. “I could feel my magic again, I could use it; it felt like finding something I’d lost, but it’s gone again, now that I can’t feel her anymore. But I think I know how to find it again, and if I can, it could help other former witches. And before you can ascribe more noble motives to that last comment than it deserves, I’m an academic and I’m practically frothing at the mouth at what a great research project this would make.”

Gideon looked thoughtful for a moment, then frowned. “This type of research project is, unfortunately, not purely theoretical,” he said. “The types of entities who control the knowledge of which you speak tend to know you’re poking around in their underwear drawers. They’ll sense your lust for knowledge and twist it. If you look into this further, you could find yourself back in a cabin in the woods in need of a shower, a change of clothing, and a barrel of blood. It would be dangerous for you. Possibly too dangerous.”

“Are you offering a warning or a command not to proceed?” Andy asked cautiously. “Because it’s my magic and I want it back. If you’re seriously telling me not to, I’ll respect that given all you’ve done for me, but I also understand the risks and will proceed with caution if you decide not to stop me.”

Gideon nodded. “You may proceed,” he said. “Two things. First, magic isn’t lost to you. There is magic you can do as a vampire. It’s different from what you’re used to. Darker, in some ways more dangerous. But it is magic nonetheless, and you may find you like it. Secondly, I’m disinclined to stop you from endeavoring to recover ‘your’ magic, but if you have to tap into demonic forces to get it back, with all that could cost you and those you care for, would it really be worth it? Would you be happy if getting your magic back released horrors into the world that neither witch, were, vampire, or human has the capacity to vanquish? What will it cost you? And who?”

“Ah, I see the issue here,” Andy said with a relaxed smile. “ I don’t think I’ll have to delve into demonic sources to get my magic back. You see, if I hadn’t studied with ancient Cultivators as part of my mastery in Alchemy, I wouldn’t have noticed this when Astaroth gave me some of her blood, but the way that energy flows through a human body and a vampiric body are so different that the magic inherent to me cannot flow properly. While someone less knowledgeable might see the connection to demonic forces and pursue that avenue, I believe with meditation I can learn to access my magic again, it will simply take time.”

Gideon nodded. “In that case,” he said. “Proceed. Carefully. But you have my blessing. Some of the Brunhildas may get bent out of shape, but that’s their problem, not ours.”

“Upsetting old biddies, sign me up!” Andy said with a chuckle. After all, nothing wrong with a bit of harmless chaos! “As to your offer of learning the vampiric craft, did you really think I was going to turn down learning more magic? Although I will have to see how it interacts with my attempts to recover my inherent magic, I don’t want to hinder my progress in either if they aren’t initially compatible.”

“As you wish,” Gideon said. “The offer stands. For now, get some rest. It’s almost dawn. Sleep through the day and regain your strength. Let the blood you’ve consumed nourish you. I intend to do the same. Is there anything you need?”

“You wanna tuck me into bed, Dad?” Andy asked with a teasing grin, then finished off her glass of blood.

“Only if you brush your teeth without complaint,” said Gideon. “No, really. Wash the blood out of your mouth and whatever bits of that boy’s neck and my wrist are between your teeth, if you haven’t already. If you don’t, you’ll feed the stereotypes about vampires having foul breath.”

“As if,” Andy said with a snort, setting her glass aside as she rose from the armchair. “Don’t think I could ever give up the habit of brushing and flossing. Uhg!” She shuddered at the thought. “G’night, Dad!” she said casually with a wave as she sauntered out, ready to crash and sleep for several days straight. The relief she felt at having someone to watch over her while she recovered removed such an immense weight from her shoulders that for the first time in a long time, she felt like she could relax and finally get some rest.


