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Tue Jul 2nd, 2024 @ 5:35pm

Astaroth/Lily-Mae Arnett

Name Astaroth/Lily-Mae Arnett

Position Pack Member

Character Information

Affiliation werewolves
Gender Female
Age Ageless

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 170lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Astaroth's vessel, Lily-Mae Arnett was tall with a model-like figure. She is thin and very slight, especially by lycanthrope standards, with delicate musculature, although reinforced by infernal power that is really rather irrelevant.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Whatever Lily-Mae may have been has been completely replaced by Astaroth. The demon is calculating and unquestionably evil. In her malevolence she encourages laziness and rebellion as well as teaching about the infernal occult. As part of her domain she knows all secrets past and present and will use that knowledge to her advantage to undermine the resolve of any opposition.

Personal History As a demon Astaroth's history began before the creation of the Earth. A full recounting of her exploits over the millennia would fill several tomes of lore, which do exist for those who are learned and know where to look. Most recently she was summoned by Lily-Mae and her boyfriend for unknown reasons. The summoning ritual did not go according to plan and she was able to kill the male vampire and possess the werewolf, setting her loose on the world.

Lily-Mae had a life and a history before her possession, but it is of little importance. The soul that was has been entirely cast out of the body, sent to serve in the legions of hell.