
  • 9 Mission Posts

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Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 4:54am

Andrea Carter

Name Andrea Lynn Carter

Position Coven Member

Character Information

Affiliation vampires
Gender Female
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 130
Hair Color Ginger
Eye Color Green


Personality & Traits

General Overview A former research alchemist, Andy Carter has left everything behind after being infected by a feral vampire. Abandoned by her guild and rejected by the local coven, Andy has had to learn what it means to be a vampire on her own, without any assistance, as well as dealing with the impairment of her magic. Currently, she runs a bookstore where she also restores antique books. Though she struggles with her magic, she still deals in magic research through her work in restorations.
Hobbies & Interests Andy plays the violin and the cello and is an avid archer, preferring a recurve over a compound bow.

Other Information Former Master Alchemist, first class
Former Master Alkehest
Former Spiritual Cultivator, late stage Foundation
PhD in Applied Mathematics from Florida Institute of Technology
(hates being called Doctor, Master, or Sifu)

Languages known: Latin, Creole, Cantonese